2024 City of Tempe Community Survey
On behalf of the Tempe City Council, thank you for your on-going involvement in our community. This is a request for your assistance in building an even better Tempe. Your input on the following survey is extremely important because it ensures the City’s priorities reflect the needs of our residents.
We realize the survey takes time to complete, but every question is important. My Council colleagues and I use the information gathered by the survey to inform our decisions that affect a wide range of City services, including public safety, parks, recreation, economic development, code enforcement, and others.
Your responses will allow City leadership and staff to identify and address many of the opportunities and challenges facing our community. Your responses will remain confidential. Please contact Kimberly Sotelo, Management Assistant II+, at (480) 350-2913 with any questions. City staff will be pleased to answer them. Thank you again for taking the time to help make Tempe an even more amazing city.